杭州师范大学 外国语学院
School of International Studies Hangzhou Normal University
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WU Geqi
发布日期:2017-05-19 08:53:53  作者:外语学院

Name: WU Geqi

Title: Associate professor of English

Address: Building 19-706, No.58, Haishu Rd, Cangqian, Yuhang District

Phone number: 28867024

Email: wugeqi@hznu.edu.cn


Ph.D., English Language and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, 2010
M.A., Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Zhejiang University, 1999

B.A., English Education, Hangzhou Normal University, 1993

My research and teaching focus on pragmatics, discourse analysis, and English Education. Specifically, I am interested in doing empirically-based comparative studies on English and Chinese languages.


--Identity Construction in English and Chinese Research Articles: A Contrastive Study (2013).

--“Self-promotional directives in English and Chinese research articles” (2013)

--“Self-mention and authorial identity construction: A contrastive study between English and Chinese research articles” (2013)

--“A study on transitivity in research articles and the interpersonal function” (2011)

--“Stance in English and Chinese research article writing: A contrastive study” (2010)

--“Authorial stance markers in Chinese research articles” (2010)

UNDERGRADUATE COURSES: A General Introduction to Linguistics; Advanced English

GRADUATE COURSES: General Linguistics; Pragmatics