We boast a remarkable record of academic achievements. The past five years have seen our faculty members obtain 16 projects sponsored by National Social Science Fund, including 1 Major Project and 1 Priority Project; 49 projects sponsored by the National Education Ministry or the Provincial Government. 2 of our research achievements won the Education Ministry’s Achievement Award, 20 won awards of the Provincial Government. We have published more than 60 academic books and 170 essays on SSCI and SCCCI journals, more than 50 of which are on national and internationally authoritative journals like Paideuma,Cambridge Quarterly,Journal of Pragmatics, Foreign Literature Review, Foreign Literature Study, Foreign Language Teaching & Research, Foreign Languages and China Translators’ Journal. Essays by our faculty members are frequently cited. According to the ranking by the Periodical Literatures Reprinted by China People's University, we enjoy a No.2 place among all foreign language and literature institutions in Chinese universities, both in reprint index and comprehensive index.