杭州师范大学 外国语学院
School of International Studies Hangzhou Normal University

Name: MA Xian

Title: Professor of the School of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, P.R. China. Her areas of interest are British and American Literature, English poetry, etc.

Correspondence: Xian Ma, School of International Studies, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310058, No.16 Xuelin Street, Xiasha Higher Education Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, P.R.China.

Mobile: +86(0)15857162148   Email: songlacs@yahoo.com.cn


2004 – 2007 Ph.D. , Studies of Comparative Literature and World Literature,

                    Mid-China Normal University

1985 – 1987 M.A. , Applied Linguistics, Hunan University

1981 – 1985 B.A. , English Language and Literature, Hunan Normal University


1Xian Ma, On the Allusions of Pope’s The Rape of the Lock, Foreign Literature Studies, No.6, 2010.

2“ Of dull and venal a new world to mold”: Alexander Pope’s Critique of the Early Modern Society in The Dunciad , Foreign Literature Review, No. 3, 2011.

3On the Allusions of Pope’s The Rape of the Lock, Foreign Literature Studies, No.6, 2010.

4The Split and Collision between Sensibility and Sense---On Robert Frost’s “Home Burial”, Proceedings of the International Conference on the 20th-century American Poetry, Wuhan, Mid-China Normal University Publishing House, 2009.

5On the Parody of Heroic Epics of The Rape of the Lock, Foreign Literature Studies, No.2, 2008.

6The Poetical Interpretation of Harmony and Order——On Pope’s Poetry, World Literature Review, No.2, 2007.

7On Ballads in Thomas Hardy’s Novels of Character and Environment, Foreign Literature Studies, No.2, 2007.

8On the Topic of Morality of “The Rape of the Lock”, Foreign Language Education, No, 5, 2006.

9On the Notion of Harmony of Pope’s “Essay on Criticism”, Foreign Literatures, No, 2006.

10The Ethical thoughts of Harmony in Pope’s “Windsor Forest”, Foreign Literature Studies, No.1, 2006.

11“The Beloved” Seen in the Light of Aestheticism, South-Hunan College Journal, No. 3, 2004.

12The ‘New Women’ Images in Hardy’s Novels, Foreign Literature Studies, No.1, 2004.

13The Confronts and Conflicts between the Humanism and Christianity, Xiangtan University Journal, No. 4, 2004.

14An analysis of the Archetypal Images in “ Return of the Native”, Proceedings of the conference of Academy of foreign literature of China in 2003, People’s Publishing House, 2004.

15An analysis of the Biblical Archetypes of Jude, Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University (Essay collection), No 2, 2002.

16On the Religious Thoughts of Thomas Hardy, Foreign Literature Review, No. 4, 2004.

17The Symbolism of Nature Description in “Return of the Native”, Journal of Szechwan Foreign Languages Institute, No. 6, 2003.

18 “Far from the Madding Crowd” and its Biblical Archetypes, Hunan Social Science Review, No.5, 2002.

19The Biblical Deconstruction in the Tragic Image of Tess, Foreign Literature Studies, No.3, 2002.

20The Influence of the Europe-affected language to Chinese Literature, Journal of Tiedao Institute, No. 1, 2001

21. The Blending of the Religions of the World and their Revelations in literature, Journal of Dianli Institute, No. 1, 2001


1On the Poetry of Alexander Pope

2Eco-ethical Approaches to the Novels of Thomas Hardy


An Introduction to British and American Literature (graduate program)

An Introduction to British Novels (graduate program)

An Introduction to British and American Poems (graduate program)

Techniques of Rhetoric and Translation (undergraduate program)

Integrated course of English (undergraduate program)

Advanced Writing (undergraduate program)

Advanced Listening (undergraduate program)

History of American Literature (undergraduate program)

History of British Literature (undergraduate program)