- 日汉翻译系统探析
- Navigating Advanced Academic Writing and Pub
- AI对文学的赋能与挑战
- 《美国牧歌》中双重记忆的罅隙与身份错位——兼
- Thomson's Palemon and Lavinia, Iconic Narrat
- Towards a Better Understanding of Explicit a
- 福柯与控制论:系统、控制和治理
- 研究体系与学术创新
- A Study of the Caribbean Think Tanks
- 融通中外—外交话语与翻译艺术
- 特多中华总会的初心与使命
- 讽寓抑或隐喻?——《聊斋志异》中的幽冥世界与
- 国际组织中的议程设置--以小岛屿发展中国家作为
- 学科建设的新任务和个人发展的新规划
- 汉语文学谱系与世界文学空间
- 恶作剧者:从文学话语到批评阐释学-----评杰拉
- 《仙后》的节制伦理术与宗教地图学探究
- Karst Cave and Hinterland Hazards: Translati
- The Classics and the Hungarian Modernist Lit
- 汉语与韩国语会话结构研究
This lecture aims to, through discussing all challenges graduate students may have in English academic writing and publication, give graduate students or early career faculty more strategies.
Bradley Hughes is the Director Emeritus of the Writing Center and Director Emeritus of the Faculty Program in Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hughes’ current research focuses on WAC programs in the mid- 21st century, graduate-level writing instruction, computer simulations for tutor education, threshold concepts in writing studies, etc.