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Navigating Advanced Academic Writing and Publication in English:Inside Advice for Graduate Students and Early Career Faculty
发布日期:2024-10-23 09:38:41  发布者:范颖





This lecture aims to, through discussing all challenges graduate students may have in English academic writing and publication, give graduate students or early career faculty more strategies.


Bradley Hughes is the Director Emeritus of the Writing Center and Director Emeritus of the Faculty Program in Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hughes’ current research focuses on WAC programs in the mid- 21st century, graduate-level writing instruction, computer simulations for tutor education, threshold concepts in writing studies, etc.



Navigating Advanced Academic Writing and Publication in English:Inside Advice for Graduate Students and Early Career Faculty

范颖 · 2024-10-23





This lecture aims to, through discussing all challenges graduate students may have in English academic writing and publication, give graduate students or early career faculty more strategies.


Bradley Hughes is the Director Emeritus of the Writing Center and Director Emeritus of the Faculty Program in Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hughes’ current research focuses on WAC programs in the mid- 21st century, graduate-level writing instruction, computer simulations for tutor education, threshold concepts in writing studies, etc.