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Based on his experience as the Executive Director of the Caribbean Policy Research Institute, and the convener of the Caribbean 2030 Leaders Network – a group consisting of young, energetic business, political, and civic leaders who meet annually to discuss and engineer the future of Caribbean development, Dr. Damien King will share with us the aims and achievements of the Caribbean think tanks.
Damien King is the Executive Director of the Caribbean Policy Research Institute (CAPRI), a public policy think tank, and formerly a lecturer in Economics at the University of the West Indies. He has written, supervised, and published academic work and policy papers in the areas of sovereign debt, economic modeling, international trade, and financial inclusion, amongst others. Damien is the author and editor (with David Tennant) of Debt and Development in Small Island Developing States, (Palgrave, New York). He earned his B. A. from York University, Canada, an M. Sc. from the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, and a Ph. D. from New York University, USA. Damien serves on corporate boards in the public and private sector. Recreational activities include watching cricket, hiking, and reading.