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School of International Studies Hangzhou Normal University
  • 世界文学跨学科研究学术研讨会

  • “区域国别研究:文学和文化的视角”论坛

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  • 2024级本科生外“新”人见面会

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“Taming of the Shrew”: How to Make the Chatbot Do What We Want Through Effective Communication Strategies?
发布日期:2024-10-30 11:58:09  发布者:范颖




The presentation attempts to explain the unique features of chatbot interactions by relating it to intercultural interactions and present ways to develop effective communicative strategies to interact with the chatbot. It is argued that there are significant differences between the monolingual Gricean pragmatics on the one hand, and the co-construction-based intercultural pragmatics and the human-machine pragmatics of chatbots on the other. The unique nature of intercultural interactions and human agent – artificial agent interactions generate new pragmatic features and give new face to existing pragmatic features and strategies. The presentation claims that in intercultural and human-machine interaction the key is the nature of co-constructed interagency which is created in the process of common ground building with reliance on context. However, while in intercultural interactions all participants have the ability to initiate, direct, and manipulate communicative acts, in chatbot interactions the leading, initiating role is had by the human agent in “socializing” the machine agent. In Gricean pragmatics, which is based on conventions and norms pragmatic effect works top-down while in chatbot pragmatics this effect usually goes bottom-up as temporary norms and context-interpretations are co-constructed and human-agent led traits develop. The question is how to develop effective communicative strategies through prompting. The discussion and sample analysis highlight the interplay and nature of contribution of the experience-based cooperation of human agent and the data-driven contribution of artificial agent to the development of a new kind of interagency.


Istvan Kecskes is a Distinguished Professor of the State University of New York at the Albany campus. He is the President of the American Pragmatics Association and the CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research) Association. He is the founder and co-director of the Barcelona Summer School on Bi- and Multilingualism (until 2016), and the founder and co-director of Sorbonne, Paris – SUNY, Albany Graduate Student Symposium.

His book “Foreign language and mother tongue” (Erlbaum 2000, co-authored by his wife, Dr. Tunde Papp) was the first that described the effect of the second language on the first language. Kecskes’ book “Intercultural Pragmatics” (Oxford University Press, 2014) is considered a groundbreaking monograph that shapes research in the field. His latest books are “Key Issues in Chinese as a Second Language” (Routledge 2017), “English as a Lingua Franca: The pragmatic perspective” (Cambridge University Press 2019), “Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Pragmatics” (CUP 2022). The book “The socio-cognitive approach to communication and pragmatics” (Springer 2023) is a summary of his socio-cognitive theory of pragmatics that has received great attention all over the world.

Prof. Kecskes is the founding editor of the journal “Intercultural Pragmatics” and the Mouton Series in Pragmatics as well as the bilingual journal “Chinese as a Second Language Research”. In 2020 he established a new book series for early career scholars “Routledge Research on New Waves in Pragmatics”. He received a Senior Fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation Research Center in Bellagio, 2004, a Senior Fellowship from the Mitteleuropa Foundation, Bolzano, Italy, 2005, a Honorary Professorship from Zhejiang University, 2009, Yunshan Chair Professorship from Guangdong University, 2011, a Distinguished Visiting Professorship from Monash University, Melbourne, 2013 and a Guest Professorship from the University of Messina in May, 2017, 2019 and 2022. He also received an Honorary Doctorate from The National Research Tomsk State University, Russia in 2021 where a Graduate Student Award was named after him in 2016.


“Taming of the Shrew”: How to Make the Chatbot Do What We Want Through Effective Communication Strategies?

范颖 · 2024-10-30




The presentation attempts to explain the unique features of chatbot interactions by relating it to intercultural interactions and present ways to develop effective communicative strategies to interact with the chatbot. It is argued that there are significant differences between the monolingual Gricean pragmatics on the one hand, and the co-construction-based intercultural pragmatics and the human-machine pragmatics of chatbots on the other. The unique nature of intercultural interactions and human agent – artificial agent interactions generate new pragmatic features and give new face to existing pragmatic features and strategies. The presentation claims that in intercultural and human-machine interaction the key is the nature of co-constructed interagency which is created in the process of common ground building with reliance on context. However, while in intercultural interactions all participants have the ability to initiate, direct, and manipulate communicative acts, in chatbot interactions the leading, initiating role is had by the human agent in “socializing” the machine agent. In Gricean pragmatics, which is based on conventions and norms pragmatic effect works top-down while in chatbot pragmatics this effect usually goes bottom-up as temporary norms and context-interpretations are co-constructed and human-agent led traits develop. The question is how to develop effective communicative strategies through prompting. The discussion and sample analysis highlight the interplay and nature of contribution of the experience-based cooperation of human agent and the data-driven contribution of artificial agent to the development of a new kind of interagency.


Istvan Kecskes is a Distinguished Professor of the State University of New York at the Albany campus. He is the President of the American Pragmatics Association and the CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research) Association. He is the founder and co-director of the Barcelona Summer School on Bi- and Multilingualism (until 2016), and the founder and co-director of Sorbonne, Paris – SUNY, Albany Graduate Student Symposium.

His book “Foreign language and mother tongue” (Erlbaum 2000, co-authored by his wife, Dr. Tunde Papp) was the first that described the effect of the second language on the first language. Kecskes’ book “Intercultural Pragmatics” (Oxford University Press, 2014) is considered a groundbreaking monograph that shapes research in the field. His latest books are “Key Issues in Chinese as a Second Language” (Routledge 2017), “English as a Lingua Franca: The pragmatic perspective” (Cambridge University Press 2019), “Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Pragmatics” (CUP 2022). The book “The socio-cognitive approach to communication and pragmatics” (Springer 2023) is a summary of his socio-cognitive theory of pragmatics that has received great attention all over the world.

Prof. Kecskes is the founding editor of the journal “Intercultural Pragmatics” and the Mouton Series in Pragmatics as well as the bilingual journal “Chinese as a Second Language Research”. In 2020 he established a new book series for early career scholars “Routledge Research on New Waves in Pragmatics”. He received a Senior Fellowship from the Rockefeller Foundation Research Center in Bellagio, 2004, a Senior Fellowship from the Mitteleuropa Foundation, Bolzano, Italy, 2005, a Honorary Professorship from Zhejiang University, 2009, Yunshan Chair Professorship from Guangdong University, 2011, a Distinguished Visiting Professorship from Monash University, Melbourne, 2013 and a Guest Professorship from the University of Messina in May, 2017, 2019 and 2022. He also received an Honorary Doctorate from The National Research Tomsk State University, Russia in 2021 where a Graduate Student Award was named after him in 2016.