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发布日期:2021-03-02 10:52:01  发布者:林巍


Hidden Constitutional Hazards Revealed

in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election



The 2020 U.S. presidential election, widely watched in the world, finally came to an end amid ups and downs, and the power transfer between heads of state was nonetheless “smooth”. However, many pending questions, particularly concerning the validity and feasibility of the U.S. Constitution, have remained to provoke thought. 

【1】“波澜起伏”, 似还可译成twists and turns、with one climax following another等。

【2】“落幕”,字面意思 ring down the curtain、drop scene,此处不妨简单明了为 to an end。


The Constitution of the United States, established in 1787, has been regarded as the cornerstone of the American constitutional system, and ensured the stability and prosperity of American society for more than 200 years. One of its core values is embodied in regular elections characterized by fairness, justice and openness, which this time was unfortunately stuck in a quagmire of problems.

【3】此处的“核心内容” 实质为“核心价值”,故可为 core value。类似的如:尽管该产品又有了多方面的开发,但其核心内容始终如一。(Although it’s broadened and deepened in many dimensions, the core values have stayed the same.)


In commenting on American democracy, the French political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville said, “The federal constitution of the United States seems to be a work of craftsmen, from which only the inventor can make fame and fortune; when falling into the hands of others, it becomes a useless piece of artwork”. In other words, democracy works only for those who are democratically aware and willing to abide by democratic rules. Otherwise, the remedies and countermeasures designed are clearly inadequate. 

【4】 “只能使发明人成名发财”,似乎是 which can only make the inventor famous and rich,但此处可根据其意变客观为主观:from which only the inventor can make fame and fortune。 


The most controversial issue in this election was whether there was systematic election fraud. Supporters and opponents of the incumbent president are furiously divided over the issue, and both claim to hold plenty of evidence.  According to the principle of judicial independence, the only place they can reason is the court. However, nearly 60 lawsuits filed to try to overturn the election results were dismissed by all the courts for lack of evidence, violation of legal principles, or violation of constitutional law. As a result, the facts have not been clarified and made public, causing quite a lot of voters not to be sincerely convinced, which partially contributed to the violent siege of the Houses Parliament on 6th January this year. 

【5】“此次大选最具争议的焦点:是否存在系统性大选舞弊”,译文可打破原文的标点符号模式,以译入语的习惯译为:The most controversial issue in this election was whether there were systematic election frauds.

【6】“这也是导致……”,可将单句变通为从句 which partially contributed to…。


What the framers of the US Constitution thought about most at the time was how to prevent any President from exercising excessive personal power: various mechanisms to check and balance embodied in a “tripartite” political system were thus designed. Viewing the 2020 election, while one side of the restrictions was fully functional, the other seemingly went astray. 

【7】 “这一方面似乎体现得很充分,但其他制衡方面则出现了偏差”,可采取增译与减译的策略,即:“这一方面”增译为one side of restrictions;“但其他制衡方面则出现了偏差”,因语境中其意已明(特别是前面还有mechanisms of check and balance), 故此处可简略为the other seemingly went astray。


Institutionally, one has to admit that there is no democratic supervision of judges (judicial power). So a problem arises: What happens if judges have a partisan inclination and how that can be detected, reviewed and corrected? Meanwhile, representatives of different districts can also deviate from the will of their voters in one way or another. Particularly, after the election, the House of Representatives (legislative power) passed a bill to impeach the “former president”, setting a precedent for the violation of article 2, paragraph 4 of the Constitution.

【8】“在制度上”, 似乎是 systematically、structurally, 其实就制度的机制而言,应为 institution、institutional、institutionally,类似的如:①其中原因部分是技术上的,部分则是制度上的。(The reasons are part technical, part institutional.)②但此类制度上的压力不可能是造成这类结果的唯一原因。(But institutional pressures of this sort are unlikely to be solely responsible)。


Mainstream media, which is supposed to be the fourth power, demonstrating a clear-cut party stance in this election, played a one-sided role to add fuel to the flames. Moreover, a major media company has permanently closed the accounts of the incumbent president and his supporters, flagrantly violating the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution’s Free-Speech Act.



Surely, its political system plays a vital role in ruling any country, but it’s not omnipotent. Any system, no matter how effective it may be, will after all be executed and evaluated by people with their own ideas. With the process of globalization, the composition, beliefs, values and ethics of American society have altered greatly, so will its actual effect still be the same? Very much like plantations, one kind of soil grows the same sort of plants.

【10】“相生相伴人群”,讲的比较泛化,考虑到其具体含义,不宜按字面意思译成the people accompanying the system,而可将其具体化为 American society。



Fundamentally speaking, the formulation of the US Constitution was the result of a great compromise. Apart from compromising the way of how the president should be elected, there were also reconciliations between the majority and minority, division and unity, large and small states in the representation of Congress, and the balance between the northern and southern states in terms of revenue and representation in calculating the number of slaves. Unfortunately, however, in this presidential election, there were even more extreme and antagonistic sentiments, which had almost nothing to do with the tolerant spirit embodied by the Founding Fathers.


【13】“相去甚远”,一般似可译成wide apart、at opposite poles、poles asunder,而had almost nothing to do with 更为直截了当。


In the long run, any society has to move forward by striking the right balance between extremes. While a democratic society may be endowed with the inherent function of correcting errors, the above-mentioned problems are nevertheless quite serious constitutional hazards that American society has to confront.

【14】“在失衡与平衡中前行的” ,似可译成move forward amid imbalance and balance,但就其实质含义而言,应为 to move forward by striking the right balance between extremes,其中在词语对应部分有减有增。



郑航航 · 2021-03-02


Hidden Constitutional Hazards Revealed

in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election



The 2020 U.S. presidential election, widely watched in the world, finally came to an end amid ups and downs, and the power transfer between heads of state was nonetheless “smooth”. However, many pending questions, particularly concerning the validity and feasibility of the U.S. Constitution, have remained to provoke thought. 

【1】“波澜起伏”, 似还可译成twists and turns、with one climax following another等。

【2】“落幕”,字面意思 ring down the curtain、drop scene,此处不妨简单明了为 to an end。


The Constitution of the United States, established in 1787, has been regarded as the cornerstone of the American constitutional system, and ensured the stability and prosperity of American society for more than 200 years. One of its core values is embodied in regular elections characterized by fairness, justice and openness, which this time was unfortunately stuck in a quagmire of problems.

【3】此处的“核心内容” 实质为“核心价值”,故可为 core value。类似的如:尽管该产品又有了多方面的开发,但其核心内容始终如一。(Although it’s broadened and deepened in many dimensions, the core values have stayed the same.)


In commenting on American democracy, the French political thinker Alexis de Tocqueville said, “The federal constitution of the United States seems to be a work of craftsmen, from which only the inventor can make fame and fortune; when falling into the hands of others, it becomes a useless piece of artwork”. In other words, democracy works only for those who are democratically aware and willing to abide by democratic rules. Otherwise, the remedies and countermeasures designed are clearly inadequate. 

【4】 “只能使发明人成名发财”,似乎是 which can only make the inventor famous and rich,但此处可根据其意变客观为主观:from which only the inventor can make fame and fortune。 


The most controversial issue in this election was whether there was systematic election fraud. Supporters and opponents of the incumbent president are furiously divided over the issue, and both claim to hold plenty of evidence.  According to the principle of judicial independence, the only place they can reason is the court. However, nearly 60 lawsuits filed to try to overturn the election results were dismissed by all the courts for lack of evidence, violation of legal principles, or violation of constitutional law. As a result, the facts have not been clarified and made public, causing quite a lot of voters not to be sincerely convinced, which partially contributed to the violent siege of the Houses Parliament on 6th January this year. 

【5】“此次大选最具争议的焦点:是否存在系统性大选舞弊”,译文可打破原文的标点符号模式,以译入语的习惯译为:The most controversial issue in this election was whether there were systematic election frauds.

【6】“这也是导致……”,可将单句变通为从句 which partially contributed to…。


What the framers of the US Constitution thought about most at the time was how to prevent any President from exercising excessive personal power: various mechanisms to check and balance embodied in a “tripartite” political system were thus designed. Viewing the 2020 election, while one side of the restrictions was fully functional, the other seemingly went astray. 

【7】 “这一方面似乎体现得很充分,但其他制衡方面则出现了偏差”,可采取增译与减译的策略,即:“这一方面”增译为one side of restrictions;“但其他制衡方面则出现了偏差”,因语境中其意已明(特别是前面还有mechanisms of check and balance), 故此处可简略为the other seemingly went astray。


Institutionally, one has to admit that there is no democratic supervision of judges (judicial power). So a problem arises: What happens if judges have a partisan inclination and how that can be detected, reviewed and corrected? Meanwhile, representatives of different districts can also deviate from the will of their voters in one way or another. Particularly, after the election, the House of Representatives (legislative power) passed a bill to impeach the “former president”, setting a precedent for the violation of article 2, paragraph 4 of the Constitution.

【8】“在制度上”, 似乎是 systematically、structurally, 其实就制度的机制而言,应为 institution、institutional、institutionally,类似的如:①其中原因部分是技术上的,部分则是制度上的。(The reasons are part technical, part institutional.)②但此类制度上的压力不可能是造成这类结果的唯一原因。(But institutional pressures of this sort are unlikely to be solely responsible)。


Mainstream media, which is supposed to be the fourth power, demonstrating a clear-cut party stance in this election, played a one-sided role to add fuel to the flames. Moreover, a major media company has permanently closed the accounts of the incumbent president and his supporters, flagrantly violating the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution’s Free-Speech Act.



Surely, its political system plays a vital role in ruling any country, but it’s not omnipotent. Any system, no matter how effective it may be, will after all be executed and evaluated by people with their own ideas. With the process of globalization, the composition, beliefs, values and ethics of American society have altered greatly, so will its actual effect still be the same? Very much like plantations, one kind of soil grows the same sort of plants.

【10】“相生相伴人群”,讲的比较泛化,考虑到其具体含义,不宜按字面意思译成the people accompanying the system,而可将其具体化为 American society。



Fundamentally speaking, the formulation of the US Constitution was the result of a great compromise. Apart from compromising the way of how the president should be elected, there were also reconciliations between the majority and minority, division and unity, large and small states in the representation of Congress, and the balance between the northern and southern states in terms of revenue and representation in calculating the number of slaves. Unfortunately, however, in this presidential election, there were even more extreme and antagonistic sentiments, which had almost nothing to do with the tolerant spirit embodied by the Founding Fathers.


【13】“相去甚远”,一般似可译成wide apart、at opposite poles、poles asunder,而had almost nothing to do with 更为直截了当。


In the long run, any society has to move forward by striking the right balance between extremes. While a democratic society may be endowed with the inherent function of correcting errors, the above-mentioned problems are nevertheless quite serious constitutional hazards that American society has to confront.

【14】“在失衡与平衡中前行的” ,似可译成move forward amid imbalance and balance,但就其实质含义而言,应为 to move forward by striking the right balance between extremes,其中在词语对应部分有减有增。